“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…Including you”.
– Anne Lamott
A few years ago, Micaila and I spent a month in Rovinj, Croatia (highly recommended). Here’s what it looks like. And I swear it’s just as beautiful as this picture…

It was summer. And we were right next to the beach. So we went to the beach almost every day.
To force ourselves to enjoy the moment, we set a rule where we couldn’t be on our phones while we were at the beach. We could read a book. Or we could sunbathe. Or we could play with our daughter in the water. Those were the only options.
And I remember at first I was terrible at relaxing at the beach. My brain would constantly bug me about things I had to do or things I’d forgotten to do earlier. It was all BS. Like an addict looking for their next hit, I was just addicted to doing stuff.
But with enough beach days, I got better. And I started to see resting as a skill itself — one that’s well worth practicing and improving.
Want to get better at turning down the volume?
Here’s a great article from Forbes titled, The Benefits Of Resting And How To Unplug In A Busy World. Check it out for some tips.
Or just go to Rovinj for a month.
That’d do the trick. 🙂